13 Best Paying Jobs In Real Estate Investment Trusts

13 Of The Best Paying Jobs In Real Estate Investment Trusts
Picture of Sammie Ellard-King

Sammie Ellard-King

I’m Sammie, a money expert and business owner passionate about helping you take control of your wallet. My mission with Up the Gains is to create a safe space to help improve your finances, cut your costs and make you feel good while doing it.

If you’re considering a career change, then real estate is a brilliant sector to be looking at. 

Real estate seems to be forever on the rise as the demand for new homes grows across the US and globally.

This article looks at the best paying jobs in Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITs, as they’re also known, and what kind of salary you could expect to get as you move up the ladder.

The world of real estate investing is growing. New REITs are springing up all over the place, providing investors with the opportunities to cash in on new residential and commercial property ventures.

Not everyone can afford their own home, but REITs provide investors with the opportunity to invest in real estate without the routine of property management.

If you’re interested in a career in Real Estate and have just stumbled across REITs then read the next section to understand what they are or skip straight onto the highest paying roles inside a REIT.

Table of Contents

What is a REIT?

what is a reit

REITs are investment vehicles which essentially own, finance or maintain income-generating real estate. 

REITs were modelled to be similar to mutual funds, where many investors worldwide could invest in new property ventures. 

The beauty of this for investors meant they could own different types of real estate without needing expensive mortgages, management agreements or rent. 

Most REITs are traded publically on the stock market, similar to an individual stock holding. You can buy and sell them on the open market. 

In the US alone, there is $4.5trillion invested in REITs, with over 145 million people directly invested in a REIT through their 401k. 

REITs will typically focus on a particular property market sector, allowing investors to hone down on commercial or residential opportunities. For example, REITs could invest in apartment blocks, data centres, warehouses, hospitals, offices and homes. 

The way they’re made up, REITs pay out the majority of their profits to shareholders and, most of the time, up to 90% of them.

Is working for a REIT a good career path?

REITs are growing in popularity, with 83% of financial advisors actively recommending them to their clients.

When choosing a career path, you want to be sure that the industry is growing and is relatively robust, which we can safely say from the data that it certainly is.

That being said, REITs aren’t any different to most organisations, where you will need to work hard to get to the top. However, the industry offers excellent salaries, career progression and high-paying bonuses.

Highest paying jobs at a REIT?

We’ll start with the guys at the top. The executive team will be top of any ladder when looking at the best paying jobs at Real Estate Investment Trusts.

The pay structure is similar to most organisations where the CEO / President and his closest allies are usually the CFO / Finance Director, and the COO / Operations Director are the highest paid.

Chief Executive Officer – The CEO is always the company’s highest-paid individual. 

Why? Because their decision is final and affects not only company performance but also all of the direct reports. CEOs will usually have 20+ years of experience in the sector and have successfully been heads of departments on the way up.

Salary – Up to $500,000 a year, including bonuses.

Chief Finance Officer – A great CFO is paramount to a company’s success. Their role is to find cost savings, tax loopholes, pay the staff, forecasting, plan investments and ensure the company’s balances are always healthy. 

Salary – Up the $350,000 a year, including bonuses.

Chief Operating Officer – The COO makes the business tick. He ensures the teams below him implement projects on time and within budget, and a large team of junior operators often supports them.

Salary – Up the $325,000 a year, including bonuses.

reit jobs

Best paying jobs in real estate investment trusts - Our Top 10

Multiple sources have independently verified all salary figures. We must stress that these figures will vary depending on the type and size of the REIT. The below jobs are in no particular order.

1. REIT Analyst

Qualifications required – Bachelor’s degree in finance or real estate

Salary – $75,000-$100,000

Role Description – A REIT analyst will research, analyse and develop a strategy for current or new real estate opportunities. 

Their job is essential as the acquisition team will often take the advice of the analysts’ data before making a new investment decision. They will make reports for the operations team evaluating the market and its opportunities. 

2. Finance Manager 

Qualifications required – Bachelor’s degree in finance

Salary – $55,000-$65,000

Role Description – Finance Managers are a vital cog within the finance team. They often report directly to the Chief Finance Officer and have multiple projects that they’re responsible for. 

Most of the role will be behind a desk, forecasting, building budgets and reporting on projects. They will work closely with the property developers to ensure they aren’t over budget on materials and contractors.

3. Property Developer

Qualifications required – An MBA in real estate or business. 

Salary – $80,000-$100,000 

Role Description – Property developers are vital to ensuring new builds are going as planned and within budget. They are responsible for hiring and firing contractors and working on the projects from the planning stage to completion. Previous experience in a similar or more junior role will be required.

real estate jobs

4. Property Manager 

Qualifications required – None required, but a bachelor’s degree is advised, and previous experience within the field will be necessary. 

Salary – $70,000 – $120,000

Role Description – This role can vary hugely depending on the type of REIT. For example, a Property Manager could be responsible for the rentals inside of a REIT. Still, in other REITs, they will be responsible for managing multiple locations, which may or may not include rentals.

5. Investment Analysts

Qualifications required – A bachelor’s degree in business, investment management or finance is required.

Salary – $100,000 – $130,000 with bonuses included

Role Description – Investment Analysts bridge the gap between the finance and acquisitions teams. They will ensure that the data and research on a new project are actionable, often adding their viewpoints on top of the powers that be.

6. Lawyer or Attorney

Qualifications required – A license to practice law recognised by the judicial system of that particular country.

Salary – $100,000 – $150,000 – this varies so much as it’s level dependant 

Role Description – Buying a property requires many legal hoops and paperwork. An attorney can also act on the company’s behalf if they face legal difficulty purchasing or running a site. 

7. REIT Investor 

Qualifications required – A bachelor’s degree in finance, real estate, business or economics.

Salary – $130,000 – $160,000  

Role Description – A REIT investor will be the driving force behind new acquisitions and, equally, the sales of the buildings or homes. They will sometimes also be responsible for relationships with current and new investors to ensure they keep investing in their projects.

8. Site Acquisition Specialist 

Qualifications required – A bachelor’s degree in finance, real estate, business or economics.

Salary – $130,000 – $160,000  

Role Description – A site acquisition specialist not only deals with the overall purchase of the site but also with all of the technicalities, legal and contracts required to build it. A site specialist will provide operational support focusing on entitlements, building codes and leasing.

This is certainly one of the best paying jobs in Real Estate Investment Trusts.

9. Real Estate Acquirer

Qualifications required – A bachelor’s degree in finance, real estate, business or economics.

Salary – $140,000 – $200,000  

Role Description – Once all the research, data and acquisitions team have assessed a site, it comes over to the acquirer, who will go out and negotiate the sale. This is incredibly important in the process as it’s key to not overpay for land or property before the building has even begun. 

It’s possibly one of the most lucrative jobs at a REIT, as its value is so important to the trust’s success. It’s also our favourite role, as it sounds pretty fun to do!

10. Head of Marketing 

Qualifications required – A bachelor’s degree in marketing, public relations or a related field.

Salary – $130,000 – $160,000  

Role Description – The Head of Marketing or VP Marketing role is hugely important for the REIT to attract new business and investors. By opening a new commercial property, for instance, the marketing team will be responsible for attracting businesses and customers. The role is mainly business-to-business (B2B) marketing, but you will also find some business-to-consumer (B2C) campaigns there. 

real estate agents

How to get a job at a REIT?

As you can see above, many roles require formal education of some description, so we suggest you begin there. 

If you have a degree but no experience, it would be worth entering a junior position at a department that interests you.

If you do not have a degree, fear not; you can learn on the job, and often, REITs will pay for your education if you’re filling a role they require.

REITs will advertise jobs in most normal places such as job boards but the higher paying roles would likely be with a recruiter.

What are the benefits of working for a REIT?

You may have seen that there are many roles at a REIT covering responsibilities that would suit many people, and there is something for everyone. 

The main benefits of working at a REIT are:

  • Multiple types of high-paying roles 
  • A growing industry worldwide
  • Travel & flexibility 
  • Great perks and investment opportunities 
  • Good career progression

What is the best job at a REIT?

That depends on what type of individual you are, but the best paying jobs in Real Estate Investment Trusts are always the Executive Team. Our favourite is the Real Estate Acquirer role, as you negotiate on new investments, which we think is pretty awesome!


We hope you’ve found your calling in this article. We’ve outlined the best paying jobs in Real Estate Investment Trusts to help kickstart your career.

As you can see, you’ll no doubt need some formal education to get one of the highest-paying roles but don’t let that put you off. You can get started in one of the junior roles and pick up skills on the job.

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Disclaimer: Content on this page is for informational purposes and does not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research before making a financially related decision.

2 thoughts on “13 Best Paying Jobs In Real Estate Investment Trusts”

  1. This comprehensive blog brilliantly outlines the cream of the crop in REIT employment. A roadmap to top-tier careers, indispensable for job seekers and REIT enthusiasts alike.

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