10 Popular Personal Finance Books For Beginners 23/24

10 popular personal finance books for beginners
Picture of Sammie Ellard-King

Sammie Ellard-King

I’m Sammie, a money expert and business owner passionate about helping you take control of your wallet. My mission with Up the Gains is to create a safe space to help improve your finances, cut your costs and make you feel good while doing it.

The best finance books may not be at the top of your reading list. After all, sometimes finance can be though to be a little on the drab side but these books hopefully change that.

The thing is, personal finance books matter, and they should be up there with any other kind of book that you’re looking to read.

Yes, there may well be some books on the subject that are a little tiresome, but that’s why we’ve decided to put together a list of the very best.

When it comes to the best finance books, only some people know why they should be reading them. They think they’ve got to grips with their money, or they just accept their lot.

Rather than seeking to improve their financial situation, they resign to thinking that how it is right now is as good as it will get.

The thing is, that’s not true and immersing yourself in personal finance books would show you that.

Put it this way, I do not want to wake up, commute, work for someone else’s dream, commute home, cook dinner, watch Netflix and go to bed for 40 years. No thank you!

Table of Contents

How can personal finance books help me?

top 10 personal finance books

Before we get into 10 of the most popular personal finance books, it’s worth stopping to think about why you need to read them first.

Yes, you could be one of those people who has managed to achieve all they need regarding their finances and life. If you’re not, then you really should embrace the knowledge that these books have to share.

The information found within these pages will help you to take control of your money. You will control it while it no longer has the ability to control you.

You’ll learn why it’s vital to pay yourself first, how to reduce your debt, and just give you more confidence when handling money.

If you want a healthier relationship with your money, here’s a look at the personal finance books that can help.

1. Why Didn't They Teach Us This In School - By Cary Siegel

The title of this personal finance book says it all. The truth is that we’re left to learn about money all on our own, which is why some of us struggle quite a lot.

This book comes from a retired business executive and in it, there is the chance to learn everything that you need to know about personal finances.

There are plenty of money lessons to take on board and these are balanced well with some of Siegel’s personal experiences.

2. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad has become one of the all-time best finance books. It has remained popular for over 20 years now.

Within the pages, the author shares the story of his upbringing. He contrasts the teachings of his father with that of the father of a friend. It is the friend’s father who is, in fact, the rich dad.

This book has remained popular for a reason: it gives excellent advice that anyone can implement to take control of their finances.

3. The Automatic Millionaire - David Bach

The Automatic Millionaire has a title that is enough to make anyone want to pick this book up and begin to browse. The book educates the reader by sharing a real life story.

The story is of a couple who are living together with a combined income of $55,000 per year. The story shows how they achieve their financial dreams and manage to retire at the age of 55.

4. The Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey

If you want to take control of your personal finances, then you need to know how to manage your debt. That’s where The Total Money Makeover comes in.

This book guides you through the journey you’ll need to take to get out of debt. The advice is undoubtedly blunt but is equally effective.

As well as paying off debt, you’ll also find advice around savings to avoid you repeating the debt cycle in the future.

For me it’s one of the best personal finance books for beginners out there right now!

5. The One Page Financial Plan - Carl Richards

The One Page Financial Plan is the book for you if you need some clarification about your money. You may face immediate financial challenges or need help investing your savings.

Whatever the case may be, inside these pages, you will find that all confusion is done away with. 

This provides a simplistic approach to personal finances that anyone can follow.

6. Broke Millennial - Erin Lowry

Broke Millennial is, as the name suggests, targeted at those early 20-somethings that may be experiencing issues with their finances.

Lowry offers a conversational approach that certainly isn’t dry or boring. 

There is plenty of advice about understanding your relationship with money and dealing with financial challenges.

7. I Will Teach You to Be Rich - Ramit Sethi

The big lesson in I Will Teach You to Be Rich is that being rich isn’t linked to the amount of money that you spend.

Sethi guides the reader to a place where they realise they don’t need to feel guilty about spending. 

If you have your finances set up effectively, spending is more than just okay.

8. Clever Girl Finance - Bola Sokunbi

There’s little escaping news reports that tell us that the gender pay gap is still real.

There is still the idea that females need to work that bit harder and for that bit longer to get close to achieving anything close to what men take for granted.

Well, in Clever Girl Finance, you’ll find an abundance of information to empower females to take control of their finances.

9. Your Money or Your Life - Vicki Robin

Your Money or Your Life is a personal finance book that is extremely easy to follow and implement.

There is an easy nine-step plan for the reader to follow, and this plan changes the relationship with money. You can learn how to manage your money, get out of debt, and grow your wealth.

This is the book which the so-called FIRE movement is said to have sprung from. FIRE stands for financial independence retire early, and the movement has now spread worldwide.

10. Money: A User's Guide - Laura Whateley

In Money: A User’s Guide, you will find a straightforward approach to mastering personal finance.

Some lessons within the book can see you improving your credit score, reducing your level of debt, and even reducing your household bills.

This is an excellent addition to the other personal finance books that we’ve explored. 

I particularly liked the audio version of this book and managed to get through it quickly on the morning commute.

Final Thoughts

We totally get it that reading about personal finance isn’t the same as that thriller novel you might enjoy. However, gaining knowledge that could set you up for later life is something that is difficult to ignore. 

It does start with you so we hope you enjoy our personal finance books for beginners reading list! If you have any more to add to the list please do let us know as we’re always on the hunt for more books!

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Disclaimer: Content on this page is for informational purposes and does not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research before making a financially related decision.

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