10 Best Business and Entrepreneur Books – Must Reads 2024

best business and entrepreneur books
Picture of Sammie Ellard-King

Sammie Ellard-King

I’m Sammie, a money expert and business owner passionate about helping you take control of your wallet. My mission with Up the Gains is to create a safe space to help improve your finances, cut your costs and make you feel good while doing it.

It’s probably the case that most of us have dabbled with the idea of starting our own business and setting out on the path to entrepreneurial success. 

While some people dabble, others begin to make moves that can bring these plans to fruition. When looking for inspiration or even sound practical advice, the best business and entrepreneur books are a great place to turn.

As you start to read through these pages, you’ll soon realise that many of the big names in business had to work hard. 

Few were handed anything on a plate, and they started with nothing and worked their way up to the point that they were worth millions, or even billions, of pounds. It’s hard not to feel just a little motivated by that!

Of course, no book alone can make you a millionaire, but it can undoubtedly add to your education and lead to improvements.

Table Of Contents

Our podcast Episode - Robert Enright

Join us with Best Selling Author Robert Enright for an episode discussing how he’s grown his business as an independent author of the Sam Pope series. 

Having been rejected and mistreated by a range of publishers this is a true entrepreneur’s success story. 

Listen to the full episode just below or check out the full podcast The Money Gains Podcast.

Why should I read the best entrepreneur books?

Well, the most obvious answer here is that you have an entrepreneurial streak and are eager to get your venture up and running. 

The last two years or so have seen people challenge the traditional approach to work, and plenty are now looking to work for themselves.

If this sounds like you, these books can offer practical advice, but they also show that anyone can achieve with commitment and the right mindset. That brings us to the other reason why people should take time to read these books.

When reading about successful entrepreneurs, it’s impossible not to feel inspired. The lessons offered in these books can be applied to all aspects of life. They can boost your motivation, spark a desire, or maybe just trigger some little changes. 

These books cover the skills needed to be an entrepreneur so you can figure out what you need to improve on too.

Regardless, these all lead to an increase in happiness. If that reasons enough for you to get reading, let’s look at the best business and entrepreneur books that should be making your list.

1. Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

When it comes to the best business and entrepreneur books, there is no getting away from the fact that Outliers is a must.

In this book, Gladwell explores what makes some people more successful than others. Real-life examples, such as Bill Gates, are given throughout the book, and there’s actionable advice that you can follow.

I had to include this in my top 3 because it’s simply a book that changed my life!

Check price on Amazon.

2. The 5 am Club - Robin Sharma

This book massively changed my life and allowed me to start Up the Gains alongside a stressful Directors role in London Hospitality.

Some feel that The 5 am Club is a little on the long-winded side. However, if you can stick with it, you’ll find an abundance of hints and tips that can help you and your business.

The biggest takeaway is the fact that entrepreneurs get more done, and achieve more, by working during the early hours of the day. There’s also advice about how to structure your day as well as discussions around the benefits of exercise.

Personally for me its one of the best entrepreneur books for beginners of all time.

Check the price on Amazon.

3. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions - Dan Ariely

Predictably Irrational is one of the best entrepreneur books if you’re interested in learning about creating loyal customers.

The author explores exactly how people make decisions and allows the reader to approach customers in an entirely new way.

I really enjoyed this as you’re tapping into the psychology of the buyer.

Check price on Amazon.

4. The Personal MBA - Josh Kaufman

If you’re someone who likes to take the academic approach to business, it’s quite likely that you’ve considered a Masters of Business Administration.

Of course, this is a significant commitment both in terms of money and time. 

The good news is that The Personal MBA gives you an insight into all of the elements that you would study if you decided to enrol.

Or indeed you can just follow what’s in here and not bother with the degree! For me, one of the best finance books for entrepreneurs.

Check the price on Amazon.

5. Shoe Dog - Phil Knight

As for the best business and entrepreneur books, it’s fair to say that Shoe Dog has long been considered one of the greatest of all time. 

I loved every second of this book and would recommend it to anyone!

What makes this book so refreshing is the fact that it takes a light-hearted approach and provides information that is easily digested.

The story told is that of Nike, and the reader learns how the brand became from selling Japanese sneakers to dominating sports clothing and accessories. 

Check the current price on Amazon.

6. The Lean Startup - Eric Ries

In The Lean Startup, Ries promises to guide the reader through and explain why it is that some businesses fail.

As well as looking at the why, it also takes a look at how those failures can be avoided. 

One of the biggest lessons this book provides is around recognising when it’s time to pivot or persevere.

It was certainly a good read and if you’re looking at bootstrapping your own business I would highly recommend it and if one my the best business books on my shelf!

Check Amazon Price.

7. The Four-Hour Work Week - Tim Ferris

The Four Hour Work Week is undoubtedly one of the best business books that I’ve read. 

It offers the reader something that many business owners and entrepreneurs lack: a work-life balance.

Ferris explains how we’re all guilty of overcomplicating our problems, and a simple approach can see us eliminating them rather than allowing them to drain our time.

Essentially think outsourcing at scale! For me, one of the best entrepreneur books for beginners and seasoned businessmen alike! A MUST READ!

Check the price on Amazon.

8. Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action - Simon Sinek

Start With Why was pretty hard to get a hold of as it’s about $50. 

The book approaches something that we have been told a business for decades now. Before you can be a success, you need to understand your ‘why’ and your purpose.

Once you have this, you are better placed to succeed, but you’re also far more likely to take people with you as they will want to be part of your journey. 

We took some valuable lessons from this book that we now implement across our own businesses.

Check price on Amazon.

9. What You See Is What You Get - Alan Sugar

Like him or love him Alan Sugar is certainly a big success. 

The role of some of the best entrepreneur books is to inspire. This is certainly the impact that What You See Is What You Get had on me.

In this book, Alan Sugar speaks openly about the struggles in his childhood and what drove him to success. For us this is one of those must-reads that is guaranteed to motivate.

Check price on Amazon.

10. Anyone Can Do It - Duncan Bannatyne

Back in the day Bannatyne was a great watch on Dragons Den. 

Much like the last book with Alan Sugar, ‘Anyone Can Do It’ is one of those books to turn to when you’re seeking inspiration or a good kick up the backside.

We found the story Bannatyne shares is awe-inspiring and does prove exactly what the title states. Bannatyne shows that everyone is cable of achieving great success. 

Again another must read if you can stomach some hard truths about yourself.

What books every entrepreneur should read?

Every entrepreneur should have a reading list that encompasses a range of business insights and personal growth.

Key books include:

  • “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries
    • Focus: Understanding efficient business methodologies
  • “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman
    • Focus: Insights into decision-making
  • “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie
    • Focus: Mastering networking and relationships
  • “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz
    • Focus: Managing the challenges of entrepreneurship
  • “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel
    • Focus: Innovative thinking in creating value in new markets

These books provide a foundation of knowledge that can empower entrepreneurs with strategies, wisdom, and the mindset needed for building successful ventures.

Do billionaires read a lot of books?

Many billionaires, including Elon Musk and Mark Cuban, are known to voraciously devour books, often touting the importance of business books for their success. 

Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX and Tesla, has frequently mentioned how books have been instrumental in his understanding of rockets and business, with titles like “Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down” by J.E. Gordon. 

Mark Cuban, the billionaire investor and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, is another proponent of reading, stating he reads at least three hours a day. Cuban’s entrepreneur reading list includes books like “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton Christensen. 

For aspiring entrepreneurs and businesspersons, emulating the reading habits of successful billionaires and curating a reading list centered around business acumen and innovation can be a powerful tool for growth and success.


We loved reviewing all of these books. My favourite was Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, the Founder of Nike. What an incredibly inspiring story of when never to give up! 

It’s essential when thinking of your new business idea to channel some of the entrepreneurial spirits of some of the best businessmen in the world. 

We hope you enjoyed our reading list for the best business and entrepreneur books. Let us know your thoughts on them in the comments below. 

Further Reading

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Disclaimer: Content on this page is for informational purposes and does not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research before making a financially related decision.

Quickfire Roundup:

To thrive financially at university, diversify your income streams: engage in part-time work, sell study notes, freelance online, create online businesses, assist peers academically as a tutor, or delve into the gig economy.

The key is to find adaptapable opportunities that align with your busy studying schedule but still boost your budget. 

For me, it’s also the time to test out any new business ideas that you and your friends might have.

It’s the lowest risk time of your life and you’re surrounded by tools, research and a network so go fo it.

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